Friday, January 29, 2016


1. Choose a new text in, listen to it, practice pronouncing it, record yourself.

1. Reading: In the News 2-2: do all parts
2. Get ready for a test to Unit 2: review all grammar and vocabulary.
3. Hand-written essay: write an essay on ONE of the following topics:
  • Technology has made the workplace more efficient.
  • Luck has nothing to do with success.
  • Deciding on a career early and staying on that path will lead to a satisfying working life.

The Canadian College of English Language

Thursday, January 28, 2016


1. In PhoneticEx1 (shared), do points 1-6
2. Practise a dialogue with your partner about her/his preferred city/country to live in.

1. Reading: In the News 2-1: finish all parts
2. Grammar 2-3: notes + ex.2
3. Writing 2-1: ex.2

The Canadian College of English Language

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


1. Continue to hone your reading skills by reading "your" text in
2. Read the notes about how to take notes in Use of English, Note Taking, and watch the video about the underwater astonishments.  Focus on the questions in Video2UnderwaterQns (shared)

1. Grammar 2-2: notes + ex. 2, 3.
2. Writing 2-1: notes + ex.2
3. Vocabulary ex.2 (part 2 only)
4. Reading: In the News 2-1: parts 1, 2.

The Canadian College of English Language

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


1. Think about the following question: If you were in a position of power, how would you improve your home town?
2. Choose any text in, listen to it several times, paying close attention to all the phonetic phenomena in it (aspiration, loss of plosion, assimilation, linking [r], rhythm, intonation, etc.).  Practice reading it several times.
Transcribe the first two sentences of your chosen text.

1. Grammar 2-1: notes + ex. 2, 3, 4.
2. Vocabulary ex.1 (sentences k-t)

The Canadian College of English Language

Monday, January 25, 2016


1. Think about the following question: If you were in a position of power, how would you improve your home town?

1. Describe someone in your family, saying how you and that person are similar/different.
2. Start learning the vocabulary to Unit 2.

The Canadian College of English Language

Friday, January 22, 2016


1. Choose two paintings and compare and contrast them using the language of contrast and speculation (she seems to be... because, it looks like..., they could be...because..., etc.).
2. Practice the phonetic exercises we did in class today.  If there be need watch the videos again.

1. Review all grammar and vocabulary to Unit 1 and get ready for a quiz.
2. Reading: In the News 1-2: finish all parts.
3. Hand-written essay:  Is it Better To be Single or Married?  Why?

The Canadian College of English Language

Thursday, January 21, 2016


1. Choose two paintings and compare and contrast them.
2. Practice honing the three affricates we studied today - [dʒ],  [z] ,   [ʒ].  If you feel you still have a problem with any of them, watch the second video in PronunciationDay5Students.

1. Reading: In the News 1-1: finish all parts
2. Grammar 1-3: notes + ex.2, 3

The Canadian College of English Language

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


1. Think about the following questions:
a. What is your favourite colour?  Has it always been your favourite colour or have your colour preferences changed?  If they have, has your personality also changed?
b. Why is it important to be introspective?
2. Group the verbs in ex.5 according to how their -ed endings are pronounced, PronunciationDay4 (shared)

1. Vocabulary ex.2 (part 2 only)
2. Reading: In the News 1-1: parts 1, 2
3. Grammar 2-1: notes + ex.2
4. Writing 1-2: ex.

The Canadian College of English Language

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


1. Practice reading the exercises in PronunciationDay3 (shared)
2. Practice listening to any listening exercise (the more, the better) and read it aloud several times, following the correct rhythm, and other phonetic rules (linking [r], assimilation): 
3. Presentation: How Colours Affect Us (Martha only)
4. Choose a painting and be prepared to describe it.

1. Grammar 1-1: notes + ex.2, 3
2. Vocabulary ex.1 (sentences k - t)
3. Ex.1, 2, TopicSceSMRT (shared)

The Canadian College of English Language

Monday, January 18, 2016


1. Practice phonetic exercise in PronunciationDay2  (shared)
2. Listen to TEDTapDanceQns again + questions + role play
3. Presentation: My Favourite Dancer (Svitlana only)

1. Would you like to be famous?  Why or why not?
2.  Ex. 71.1, 71.2, ArticleMurphySpecialCases (shared)
3. Start learning the vocabulary to Unit 1.

The Canadian College of English Language

Friday, January 15, 2016


1. Practice reading the dialogue in PsychedelicGapped, paying attention to rhythm, pronunciation and intonation.
2. In PsychedelicImages, choose one picture using the vocabulary in this file and in PsychedelicGapped.  Remember to also describe how the image makes you feel.

1. Reading: In the News 12-2: do all parts.
2. Study the money proverbs.

The Canadian College of English Language

Thursday, January 14, 2016


1. Practice reading the text in PronunciationDay1Students, paying attention to rhythm, stress and intonation.
2. Make up a dialogue about art and practice it with your partner.

1. Finish the ex. on money, MoneyProverbsStudents1 (shared), choose one money proverb and describe a situation in which you can use it.
2. Do the Speaking test.

The Canadian College of English Language

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


1. Study the phonetics symbols, PhoneticSymbols (shared), and covert 10 sentences written phonetically into their alphabetic versions.

1. Grammar 12-2, 12-3: notes + ex.1, 3 in Grammar 12-2
2. Reading: In the News 12-1: finish all parts.

The Canadian College of English Language

Tuesday, January 12, 2016



1. Practice sounds [r], [l] in RLdistinction (shared)
2. Listen to the presentation in Media 1-1 (in your SMRT course: Use Art To Turn the World Inside Out) + ex.


1. Grammar 12-1: notes + ex.1 (sentences 11-20)
2. Writing 12-1: read the notes + ex.

The Canadian College of English Language

Monday, January 11, 2016


LSP (Listening, Speaking, Pronunciation)125/130
1. Listen to the recording again in ArtCraftStudents (shared) + questions 2, 4, 6, 7
2. Practice sounds [r], [l] in RLdistinction (shared)
3. Listen to the presentation in Media 1-1 (in your SMRT course: Use Art To Turn the World Inside Out) + ex.

1. Start learning the vocabulary to Unit 12

The Canadian College of English Language

Friday, January 8, 2016


Academic Writing
1. Ex. 5, 6, 1ProficiencyWritingStudent (shared)

1. Reading 11-2: finish all parts.
2. Prepare for a quiz to Unit 11.

The Canadian College of English Language

Thursday, January 7, 2016


Academic Writing
Ex. 2, 3, 4, 1ProficiencyWritngStudents

1. Grammar 11-3: notes + ex.2, 3, 4.
2. Dialogue R1BasedRoleplay: change it to your liking by adding some of your own ideas to it.  Don't oversimplify it!  Learn your lines and be prepared to act the dialogue out.

The Canadian College of English Language

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Academic Writing
1. Essay: Is it better to have a small or a big family? Why?

1. Grammar 11-2: notes + ex.2
2. Vocabulary ex.2
3. Listen to Media 11-1 again and finish the ex. (statements 8, 9)

The Canadian College of English Language

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Academic Writing
1. Finish the ex on parallel structures, ParallelEx1Students (shared)
2. Write an argumentative essay on the following topic: Are video games a good way to keep fit?

1. Grammar 11-1: notes + ex. 2, 3, 4.
2. Vocabulary ex.1

The Canadian College of English Language

Monday, January 4, 2016


Academic Writing
1. Do ex. on thesis statement in ThesisStmtEx3Students (shared)

1. Start learning the vocabulary to Unit 11.

The Canadian College of English Language